On being admitted to this sports facility , spectators are assumed to have accepted these regulations and the rules laid down by FIFA, UEFA, the Portuguese Football Federation and the Portuguese Professional Football League, for the competitions that they oversee, as well as any rules and regulations on safety and the use of the public areas in the sports facility. The Regulations on Access to and Presence in the Sports facility also include rules applying to the club´s supporters.
For the purposes of these regulations:
A «sports facility» is a permanent structure created exclusively for the practice of sports built in such a way as to be appropriate to this purpose and function, equipped with permanent seats reserved for spectators with controlled admission.
A «Sports Complex», is a set of plots of land, structures and facilities for the practice of one or more types of sport belonging to or operated by a single entity, comprising the areas for the public, car parks and private roads.
A «Promoter» is an association, club, sports company or other entity so named by its federation or league, if any, and the actual federations, leagues or other public or private entities, when they are also organisers of sports competitions.
A «match» is any football match taking place in the sports facility:
1.The following are condition for access by spectators to the sports facility:
1.1 Spectators must have a valid ticket. Children under 16 will only be admitted to the sports facility if they have a ticket and are accompanied by an adult.
1.2 Spectators must agree to a personal protection and security search designed to detect substances or objects that are prohibited or liable to provoke acts of violence.
The search will be conducted by the sports facility stewards, if any, or by the LAN-Enforcement forces.
1.3 Spectators must agree to undergo test to control and screen for alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic substances and similar products.
1.4 Spectators must consent to be filmed and recorded, under the strict terms of the applicable law.
2. The following are also conditions for access by spectators to the sports facility:
2.1 Spectators must not display posters, flags, symbols or other signs with offensive, malicious or provocative messages or of a political, religious or ideological nature.
They must not use obscene or insulting language.
2.2 Spectators must not obstruct the access or evacuation routes, particularly emergency access ways.
2.3 Spectators must not move from one sector to another or climb any structures in the stadium.
2.4 Spectators must not enter restricted areas or those not intended for the public.
2.5 Spectators must occupy the seat indicated on their ticket and not remain standing, so as not to obstruct the view of other spectators.
2.6 Spectators must not cause injury to people or damage to property at any time.
2.7 Spectators must not be under the influence of alcohol the limits of which are laid down by law narcotics, psychotropic substances or similar products.
3. The following are violations punishable by expulsion from the sports facility and a possible fine:
3.1 The introduction, sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
3.2 The introduction, sale or consumption of other drinks or products in containers that are not made of light, soft material.
3.3 The act of throwing objects.
3.4 The use of horns powered by batteries, electric current or any other forms of energy and of any fixed noise-making instruments, with the exception of the stadium sound system.
3.5 Unauthorised access by any person to any area that is off-limits of the general public.
3.6 Any acts inciting to violence, racism or xenophobia.
3.7 The introduction, sale, rent or distribution of cushions not made of light, soft material.
4. No people whose admission has been banned by decision of the competent authority are allowed into this sports facility.
5. The introduction into the sports facility and/or security perimeters of firearms, missiles, weapons designed to launch toxic, asphyxiating or corrosive substances, Knives, other objects that, by their nature or as a result of misuse (umbrellas with metal handles, flags sticks made of hard material, among others), may endanger the physical integrity of third parties, and explosive or pyrotechnic substances or devices, as laid down by law, is strictly forbidden.
6. Whenever necessary, the LAN-Enforcement forces may conduct searches inside sports facility in order to detect the introduction or presence of weapons or explosive or pyrotechnic substances or devices or any other banned items, such as those mentioned in point 5.
7. At Any time during the sports event, the promoter may, through members of private security personnel, officials belonging to the organisation or law-enforcement officers refuse admition to or expel any people in the sports facilities who do not abide by the rules governing the safety and comfort of spectators laid down in these regulaments.
8. Any people found in areas of the sports facility intended for organised groups of fans to which they do not belong may be moved to another seat for safety reasons. If there are not other seats available, the spectator may be removed from the facility, in which case the promoter will be obliged to refund the price of the ticket in the spectator has a valid one.
9. The personalised tickets providing access to de stadium are personal and non-transmittable. Failure to comply with this will entitle the promoter to confiscate the tickets in question and prevent their holders from entering the facility.
10. Tickets can´t be resold. Anyone doing so will be subject to legal sanctions and the holders of the tickets will be denied access to remove from the sports facility in situations such as those referred to in point 7.
11. With the exception of duly authorised cases, spectators in the sports facility are not allowed to carry or use equipment for recomming or transmitting by digital or other means images or sounds related to information or data about the game or the sports facility.
12. Spectators are not allowed to display, give out or sell any commercial or promotional articles, or to perform any kind of advertising in the facility or in the sports complex without the express authorisation of the promoter of the sports event.
13. Within the limits of the law, the promoter will not be held responsible for losses or damage to people or property occurring in the sports facility and complex, whether they occur before, during or after the game.
14. The promoter does not guarantee that a specific match will take place at a specific time and date and reserves the right to change the time or date without prior notice and without incurring any liability.
15. If a match is cancelled or postponed, any refunds of the price of tickets will be made as required by law. The promoter will not be held responsible for any indirect or special losses or damage, such as disappointment because the match was not played or travel or other expenses incurred.
16. The law-enforcement officers on duty will be informed of any failure to abide by the instructions and decisions of the private security personnel or the organisation and of any acts constituting crimes or misdemeanours.
17. Any breach of these regulations will be lead to the spectators being barred access to or immediately removed from the sports facility and all misdemeanours and crimes will be punished as laid down by law.